Orilango Demo

Examples of the Orilango spellchecking services

Example of the Orilango Predict service

Orilango Predict

Get automatically corrected suggestions for your products or search terms. By using Orilango Predict, the service will automagically present suggestions for your customer - Even if he/she makes a spelling misstake.

API Demo

Example of the Orilango Did-you-mean service

Orilango Did you mean

Automagically corrects any misspelled words in a search. Use your own wordlist (e.g. a product catalogue) as a base for the spellcheck.

API Demo

Example of the Orilango Spellcheck service

Orilango Spellcheck

Run a complete check with spelling and grammar for an entire text. This is a spellchecker you haven't seen before. It's simply that great! Orilango Spellcheck will find and understand words, grammar and warns you about easily confusable words.

API Demo


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